Matt Halbleib holds QSA (Qualified Security Assessor), PA-QSA (Payment Application Qualified Security Assessor), and CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional) security certifications and as a qualified assessor for the Payment Card Industry, has completed over 100 PCI DSS, PA-DSS and P2PE security assessments.
He holds QSA (Qualified Security Assessor (P2PE)), PA-QSA (Payment Application Qualified Security Assessor (P2PE)), CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional), CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor), CCSFP (Certified CSF Practitioner) security certifications and as a qualified assessor for the Payment Card Industry, has completed over 100 PCI DSS, PA-DSS, and P2PE security assessments.
He began his career at Intel Corporation in the Intel Desktop Products group and went on to join the Intel IT group. In addition to roles as a system administrator Halbleib was also a certified Lucent Definity PBX administrator. He spent 5 years in various Intel IT administrative roles, taught classes as a Microsoft Certified Trainer, taught security classes at IntelU and spent seven years as a Senior Information Security Analyst for Intel.
His duties at Intel in the Corporate Information Security group included security assessments as part of the Mergers and Acquisitions Team, Incident Commander on the Computer Incident Response team, and a member of the local Emergency Response Team in both Oregon and Utah. In 2001, Halblieb received the prestigious Intel Quality Award as part of the Intel IT group.
While serving in the National Cyber Security Partnership on the Corporate Governance Task Force, Halbleib worked with other task force members to create and compile an Information Security Governance Report, which helped the private sector “better secure its information systems and strengthen America’s homeland security.”
Additionally, Halbleib received a Bachelor of Science degree in Aeronautical Engineering Technology from Arizona State University.
With an early interest in security and crime prevention, Halblieb shares the importance of protecting oneself with everyone he meets. Growing up, his dad served in the military, in law enforcement, and as a District Attorney, which gave Halbleib an inside look at criminals and victims and imprinted on him the principle of justice. This understanding has extended into his career as a security expert, where he helps businesses secure the information over which they have stewardship and an obligation to protect.
“Criminals will steal your identity and personal information and destroy your life–and they don’t care. Understanding that criminals don’t care who you are or how they hurt you helps us understand how to better protect ourselves. Everyone–and every business–is a target, so it’s better if you don’t make yourself an easy target. I want to educate everyone about the simple things they can do to protect themselves that will go a long way,” he says.
For fun, Halbleib enjoys photography, mountain biking in the Wasatch Mountains, and traveling to Europe and around the world.