How to prepare for cybersecurity in 2021. We outline the top five blogs to help you train employees, understand the threat landscape, avoid malware, and support compliance efforts as you head into 2021.
With a mission to help you close security gaps and prevent data breaches, here are the top five blogs to help you train employees, understand the threat landscape, avoid malware, and support compliance efforts as you head into 2021.
The Solarwinds Orion data breach in 2020 potentially set the stage for trickle down effects on smaller businesses in coming years. Stay up to date about Solarwinds and other recent breaches by subscribing to the SecurityMetrics blog here. In this blog, SOC Director Heff and SOC Analyst Forrest Barth report and analyze the latest cybersecurity threat news and give tips for businesses to avoid cyber attacks like ransomware and phishing, while strengthening your overall security posture.
As part of the SecurityMetrics, our SOC Analysts monitor the threat landscape around the clock. This landscape is not only vast, it’s currently more complex than ever. Never have companies faced so many challenges, and hackers know it. Data protection measures need to be based on our new global landscape and the latest threats.
In this blog post, SOC Director Heff, Principal Security Analyst Jen, and SOC Analyst Forrest Barth discuss the threat landscape in depth and cover the five most important things you can do now to prevent an attack.
According to a recent study, remote work will continue through 2021. Managers believe that some employees will gradually return to the workplace, but many will remain remote, and that in one year, 26.7% of the workforce will be fully remote.
Helping employees work from home securely is important for all businesses, but with this blog post we especially want to support SMBs and those companies without large staff or in-house security professionals. Our mission is to keep the information flowing so you have the security tools you need when you need them.
Considering the unprecedented disruptions to business in 2020, it’s critical that businesses take the time to train employees. The SecurityMetrics Guide to HIPAA Compliance and SecurityMetrics Guide to PCI DSS Compliance are free, interactive PDF downloads that companies use for training and guidance throughout their compliance journey. With a focus on cybersecurity, the compliance guides can provide a security foundation for any business or IT team.
Also check out SecurityMetrics Academy: A free resource for small to medium businesses to learn the basics of business data security.
The last thing a business owner wants is to be hit with ransomware. Help Net Security recently reported that ransomware continues to be the number one cyber threat to small businesses, with managed security providers revealing that 60% of their SMB clients were hit with ransomware in 2019. They also reported that the cost of downtime is now 23 times greater than the average ransom request of $5,900.
The SecurityMetrics Forensic Team has investigated over 1,000 data breaches in all sectors and at entities of all sizes. Read this blog post to learn how cyber attackers have diversified their toolbox of illicit schemes in order to cash in on businesses’ security gaps.