Are you still using SSL encryption or TLS v1.0? If so, you’re putting your business at greater risk.
Are you still using SSL encryption or TLS v1.0? If so, you’re putting your business at greater risk.
The PCI SSC now requires that all businesses be migrated from SSL and older versions of TLS to the new version of TLS (TLS v1.2) by June 30, 2018.
Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) are used to establish a secure communications channel between two systems. Basically, SSL and TLS encrypt information sent between web browsers and web servers, providing a secure path between channels for that data.
Besides the new mandate, operating under SSL isn’t secure any more. There are several exploits that hackers have taken advantage of to steal data and install malware. If you don’t move to the latest encryption, your business could be in danger of losing sensitive data.
Since the release of SSL v3, unfixable vulnerabilities were identified. You may have heard of some of these vulnerabilities in 2014, including FREAK, POODLE, and WinShock. A more recent vulnerability called DROWN showed the growing need to migrate to more secure encryption protocols.
Migrating to the most secure version of TLS protects your business, your clients, and you. It’s more than just avoiding a compliance fine; it’s a matter of protecting valuable data.
The PCI Council offers great guidance on migrating from SSL and early TLS, as well as examples and recommendations on how to deal with this requirement in their Migrating from SSL and Early TLS information supplement.
If you have existing implementations of SSL or early TLS that you don’t need for regular business operations, immediately remove or discontinue all instances of SSL and TLS1.0. Do not use any new technologies that use these insecure transmission encryption protocols. It is highly recommended to configure systems to use version 1.2 of TLS and disable fallback to SSL or early TLS versions.
If you need to continue using SSL or early versions of TLS to continue regular business operations, here are some examples of what you can do:
Remember that by June 30, 2018, all merchants must be migrated completely from SSL to the latest version of TLS. Service providers have been required to support secure TLS connections since June 30, 2016.
Here are a few other actions you may want to take to make sure your sensitive data is secure: