
Stop Looking for a Mobile Phone Security Standard

If businesses are determined to provide mobile solutions, it is their responsibility to educate themselves, ensure the security of the solution, and know the risk they’re taking upon themselves.

Shellshock: Be Wary, But Don't Panic

Shellshock, also known as the Bash Bug, is a software vulnerability that could make your systems vulnerable.

Plug-and-Play POS: Can It Ever Be Secure?

The plug-and-play mindset is ruining Point-of-Sale (POS) security.

SSL 3.0: POODLE Vulnerability Update

If you have any questions, please contact SecurityMetrics support, 801.705.5700.

Nature's 7 Hacker Defense Mechanisms

Find out how to use nature's defense mechanisms to protect your business.

Should I Outsource My E-Commerce Website?

Depending on how you outsource, you may be able to decrease your PCI scope and business risk.

Should You FREAK Out About The Newest SSL/TLS Exploit?

If you have any questions, please contact SecurityMetrics support, 801.705.5700.

PCI 3.1: Stop Using SSL and Outdated TLS Immediately

PCI version 3.1 was primarily released to address the insecurity of SSL and some TLS encryption protocols.

PCI Audit Glossary "Alphabet Soup:" De-Jumbling the Jargon

We define important PCI DSS acronyms and terms in this PCI audit glossary.

Patient Portals Secure PHI Better Than Email

Portals made specifically for your patients offer data security that email never could.

Networked Medical Devices: a Data Breach Time Bomb

Healthcare devices have vulnerabilities.

PHI: It's Literally Everywhere [Infographic]

The unprotected PHI problem is easy to fix, but it must start with you.

Network Inventory, Configuration Management, and Security

Once you have established that your records reflect reality, it is time to monitor to ensure they are accurate.

Payroll Phishing Emails Attack Hospital and Healthcare Security

Essentially, the hackers steal paychecks from right under their noses.

Preventing Stolen Patient Data Through Remote Access Security

My advice? Decide to take security seriously.

Physical Security: What You Aren't Thinking About

How to find the risks you might be missing.

Spotting Vulnerabilities – Is Vulnerability Scanning Antiquated?

Vulnerability scanning is one of the only crucial things that can help companies keep up-to-date on emerging vulnerabilities.

Staying Compliant: Visa's New Level 4 Requirements

Visa requires annual validation of PCI compliance.

PA-DSS 3.2: The What, The Why, and The When

See what changes your payment application vendor should make.

Perimeter Scan Vs. PCI ASV Scan

When it comes to finding security weaknesses in your business, vulnerability scanning is a great place to start.

New 3.2 Requirements for Penetration Testing and Segmentation: What You Don't Know

PCI 3.2 has come out with new requirements for penetration testing and network segmentation.

Patching the Shoplift Bug: What You Should Be Doing

Learn more information about the Shoplift Bug, how it makes your system vulnerable, and what you need to do to combat it.

PCI DSS Supplemental Guide to Scope: Understanding PCI DSS Scope and Segmentation

Here's what you need to know about the supplemental guide for scoping and network segmentation.