
PCI DSS 4.0 SAQ Questionnaires Q&A

PCI DSS 4.0 SAQ Questionnaires Q&A: While future-dated requirements are not mandatory until March 31, 2025, it's recommended to implement them early for enhanced security.

Auditor Tips: Requirement 9: Improve Your Physical Security

Once you know what systems you need to protect, put controls in place that can log and restrict access to them.

Auditor Tips: Requirement 8: Use Unique ID Credentials

Requirement 8 is all about using unique ID credentials.

How Much does GDPR Compliance Cost?

How much does GDPR compliance cost?

Pentesting vs Vulnerability Scanning: What's the Difference?

Discover what the difference is between a penetration test and a vulnerability scan.

6 Steps to Making an Incident Response Plan

Developing and implementing an incident response plan will help your business handle a data breach quickly, efficiently, and with minimal damage done.

6 Phases in an Incident Response Plan

An incident response plan should be set up to address a suspected data breach in a series of phases.

Complying with the GDPR: What You Should Know

GDPR is regulation that will help unite privacy laws across Europe. Here are some answered questions about GDPR Compliance.

Top 15 ASV Scan Vulnerabilities and How to Fix Them

Vulnerability scans search your network and provide a logged summary of alerts you can review and act on. Here are the top 15 ASV scan vulnerabilities and how to fix them.

Auditor Tips: Requirement 12: PCI Compliance Basics

a risk assessment can be the most important part of your overall security and compliance program, since it helps you identify systems, third parties, business processes, and people that are in scope for PCI compliance.

Auditor Tips: Firewall Best Practices

Healthcare organizations of all sizes use firewalls to protect the perimeter of their sensitive networks. Here are some firewall best practices to get you started.

Which Pentest is Right for You?

Determining which type of pentests are best for your organization depends on concerns or needs that are generated from real life security incidents or concerns about security posture for business critical systems or environments.

Performing an SAQ D Service Provider version 4.0 Self-Assessment

Performing an SAQ D Service Provider version 4.0 Self-Assessment: Updates and changes in the new 4.0 standard.

Apache Struts Vulnerability: What You Should Do

The Apache Struts project has just released a security bulletin about a new critical vulnerability in the Apache Struts web application framework. Here's how to protect yourself.

Performing an SAQ-B Version 4.0 Self-Assessment

The SAQ B is designed for merchant environments where all cardholder data is processed using standalone Point-of-Interaction (POI) terminals connected via an analog phone line.

5 Ways Your Mobile Device Can Get Malware

While convenient, mobile devices on your network can pose a risk to your business.

A Quick Look at SAQ P2PE: Reducing Your PCI Workload

Learn more about SAQ P2PE and who qualifies for it.

How to Start a Career in Cybersecurity

If you have a knack for solving problems, good organizational skills, and attention to detail, cybersecurity might be a good fit for you.

What is HITRUST Compliance?

What is HITRUST? HITRUST stands for the Health Information Trust Alliance. It was founded in 2007 and uses the “HITRUST approach” to help organizations from all sectors–but especially healthcare–effectively manage data, information risk, and compliance.

How to Manage a Data Breach: 5 Steps to Keep Your Business Safe

Here are some steps to take to stop information from being stolen, prevent further damage and restore operations as quickly as possible.


Learn about the most common questions about HIPAA compliance.

6 Steps to a Penetration Test

Getting a penetration test can seem overwhelming, but following these steps can help ensure that your penetration test goes as smoothly as possible.

PCI DSS Compliance FAQ: What is PCI Compliance?

Learn about the fundamentals of PCI DSS Compliance.