Meeting Merchant Needs: Balance Value and Simplicity

Watch to learn how to keep your merchants happy, while also helping them prevent data breaches.

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Meeting Merchant Needs: Balance Value and Simplicity

Robbi Watson, Director of Business Development

“Many merchants would throw PCI compliance out the window if they could, so we know that they value simplicity–and there are many things we can offer to give them that.”

Robbi Watson explained to attendees how balancing simplicity, security, and value can sometimes be a puzzle to figure out. But SecurityMetrics is a company that can provide options, work with merchants, and find them the best configuration to achieve compliance and protect data. 

“Obviously we can’t fill out the SAQ for merchants, but we can do everything we possibly can to make our process as user-friendly as possible to make it a positive experience.” 

Products like FastPass and Partner dashboards work together to save time and money from what could potentially be very expensive managed security tools. Robbi explains how in order to keep merchants happy, acquirers must provide simplicity and reduction of scope through technology and solutions, and value through monitoring and expertise that protects their business. 

Robbi Watson goes in depth on how to provide these things to merchants, keep them happy, and help them prevent data breaches, all while balancing revenue streams.

This webinar was hosted on September 24th, 2020, as part of SecurityMetrics Summit 2020.